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Early Literacy


  • Early literacy is the foundation of success. Coronado Village is committed to developing reading and writing skills within the early learning classrooms that will help all young learners be successful at school and beyond.



  • Coronado Village Elementary has reviewed our data, identified growth targets for both reading and math, and developed a campus-wide plan to help our students achieve a new level of academic success.  Our plan, in conjunction with professional development in the science of reading, will benefit our students for years to come.  Below are the Coronado Village Elementary Campus adopted early childhood goals for reading and math.

    Early Childhood Literacy Plan Campus Goal 

    The percent of 3rd Grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 48% to 70% by June 2024. 

    2020     2021     2022     2023     2024     

     48%       54%         60%      65%       70%

    The following steps to enhance early childhood literacy planning:

    1. PK-2 Teachers will participate in PLCs to review grade level data, and receive targeted & explicit modeling of skills in areas in need of growth based on data.
    2. PK-3 Teachers will develop a plan of action to meet grade level goals
    3. Library Specialist will implement early childhood program to invite PreK3 parents and under children to be exposed to Reading.
    4. K-2 teachers will receive monthly professional development based on data. Admin will provide Literacy support through professional modeling of skills, mentoring, observation and feedback.
    5. 3rd Grade, RTI and Spec Ed Co-teachers will participate in Reading Academy Professional Development.
    6. Once a month, we hold vertical alignment meetings for PK-5 to look at vertical alignment for ELAR and create a plan for needed scaffolding based on data.

    Early Childhood Math Plan Campus Goal 

    The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 84% to 96% by June 2024. 

    2020     2021     2022     2023     2024

    84%         87%       90%       93%        96%

    Coronado Village will implement the following steps to enhance math planning:

    1. Provide extra planning time for PLCs to analyze data
    2. Provide PD in deconstructing TEKS to ensure TEK is being taught to the extent needed
    3. Provide resources and modeling of lessons/skills by Math specialist in areas of need based on data
    4. Once a month, we hold vertical alignment meetings for PK-5 to look at vertical alignment for Math and create a plan for needed scaffolding based on data.