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Phone: Office (210) 945-5110, ext. 32334 Google Talk/Text 210-446-6853

Qualifications: Special Education EC-12 Bilingual Generalist Specialist EC-4 School Counselor EC-12

Ms. Juanita Iturbe

Hello, my name is Juanita Iturbe. I graduated from the University of Texas Pan American and became a certified bilingual teacher in 2005. I taught general education for 9 years for Weslaco ISD and discovered my passion for teaching reading and history to our youngest minds. While teaching, I observed the great difficulties many students experienced due to disabilities. In order to meet the needs of all my students, I challenged myself to become a certified special education teacher. After becoming certified in special education, I had the privilege to work with students with disabilities  in a small group setting  at Judson ISD as a resource teacher.   Today, I help remove barriers for children in their journey of education, as I utilize my M.Ed. in School Counseling obtained from Lamar University. I truly enjoy working with students every day and I look forward to seeing what the future unfolds. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns, as I am always happy to help. 

Conference Time: My conference time varies on a day-to-day basis. Please feel free to call me anytime to make an appointment.

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