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Phone: (210) 945-5110

Gina Ritterhouse, RN

My name is Gina Ritterhouse and I have been the Registered Nurse in Judson ISD for 13 years. I received my Nursing Degree from Angelo State University in May 1993. 

Please feel free to contact me with any further questions or concerns you may have, and I will respond to your email or phone call within 24 hours (school day). I can be reached at 210-945-5110.

Thank you, and let’s all strive to have a safe, happy, and healthy school year!

Here are a few tips to help you keep your children healthy and to minimize illness from spreading at school:

When to Keep Children Home

Fever over 100 degrees, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Any physician diagnosed contagious disease

  1. Students with 100 degree or more temperature is considered a fever and will be sent home. The student should remain at home until they are fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever reducing medications (Tylenol or Motrin). Also, students with diarrhea or vomiting should be kept home for 24 hours and free of symptoms.
  2. Medication at school must be in original container with specific instructions, name of student, physician, name of medication, dose and time. A signed parent consent form must also be signed. Non-prescription medications will NOT be administered unless written instructions from a physician and signed parent consent are presented to clinic.
  3. Please inform the clinic of any health problems/concerns so appropriate forms can be completed. School personnel will provide first aid for injuries/illness that occurs at school only. Injuries from home should be taken care of at home.
  4. It is the parent’s responsibility to provide the school with CURRENT phone numbers and emergency contact information. If a parent cannot be reached for seriously ill or injured children, the child will be transported by EMS and JISD does NOT assume any financial responsibility.
  5. Dietary modifications require a special dietary from that must be filled out and signed by a physician. Dietary substitutions for preference, etc. are the responsibility of the parent/guardian. 

**The clinic policies can be found in the Judson ISD Student Handbook**


Texas law requires that all children attending school have an up-to-date immunization record on file. Children who do not have the required immunizations will not be permitted to attend school. A copy of the original shot record with month, date, year and validation must be presented at registration. If a student does not have up-to-date immunizations, they will not be able to continue or register for school. If a student gets new immunizations, the new record must be presented to the clinic for a copy to be made.

Yearly Screenings

All Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade students have their vision, hearing, and growth screenings done every September during their elementary school years, as well as any new students to the district. Any student found to have a deficiency will have a referral sent home with them. Please contact the clinic with any questions you may have.

Clinic policy can be found in the student handbook.

  • Students with 100 degree or more temperature is considered fever and will be sent home. 
    The student should remain at home until they are fever free for 24 hours WITHOUT fever reducing medication.
  • Original copy of immunizations with month, date, year and validation must be presented at registration. If student does not have record or up-to-date immunization they will not be able to continue or register for school.  If student gets new immunizations, the new record must be presented to the clinic.
  • Medication at school must be in original container with specific instructions, name of student, physician, name of medication, dose and time.  A signed parent consent must also be signed.  Non-prescription medications will NOT be administered unless written instructions from a physician and signed parent consent are presented to clinic.
  • Please inform the clinic of any health problems/concerns so appropriate forms can be completed.  
  • School personnel will provide first aid for injuries/illness that occurs at school only. Injuries from home should be taken care of at home.
  • It is the parents responsibility to provide school with CURRENT phone numbers and emergency contact information.  If a parent cannot be reached for seriously ill or injured child the child will be transported by EMS and JISD does NOT assume any financial responsibility.
  • Dietary modifications require a special dietary from that must be filled out and signed by physician.  Dietary substitutions for preference, etc. are the responsibility of parent/guardian.
  • When a child does not feel well or has a minor injury he/she must get a clinic pass from their teacher.

Health tips:

  • good hand washing
  • eat a good breakfast
  • cover cough/sneeze using inner elbow
  • drink plenty of water