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Assistant Principal


Phone: (210) 945-5110

Qualifications: Bachelors Degree from Texas State University Master of Education in Administration from Concordia University Texas Educator Certificates: Elementary Teacher (EC-4) Principal (EC-12)

Ms. Alejandra Gutierrez

My name is Alejandra Gutierrez and I will serve as the Assistant Principal for Coronado Village Elementary.I received my Bachelors Degree from Texas State University in 2004 and a Masters Degree in School Administration from Concordia University in 2015. I began my education career  with San Antonio ISD  in 2006, I have served in the capacity of  a 3rd-5th grade teacher, New Teacher Facilitator and Instructional Coach.  I enjoy spending time with my two boys and husband, we are a big sports family and love to travel. 

I strongly believe that all students can learn and succeed. I am honored to have the opportunity to begin my new career journey in administration with Judson ISD. 

I look forward to a wonderful school year. 

Ms. Gutierrez